Publication Details

William Valentine, Megan Webb, Christopher Collum, David Feil-Seifer, and Emily Hand. "HCC: An explainable framework for classifying discomfort from video." To Appear in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, Oct 2024.

  • Keywords:
  • REU


Author Details

Name: William Valentine
Status: Inactive

Name: Megan Webb
Status: Inactive

Name: Christopher Collum
Status: Inactive

Name: David Feil-Seifer
Phone: (775) 784-6469
Status: Active

Name: Emily Hand
Status: Inactive

BibTex Reference

  title={HCC: An explainable framework for classifying discomfort from video},
  author={William Valentine and Megan Webb and Christopher Collum and David Feil-Seifer and Emily Hand},
  address={Lake Tahoe, NV, USA},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC)},

HTML Reference

<span class="authors">William Valentine, Megan Webb, Christopher Collum, David Feil-Seifer, and Emily Hand</span>. <span class="title">"HCC: An explainable framework for classifying discomfort from video." </span> To Appear in <span class="booktitle">Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC)</span>, <span class="address">Lake Tahoe, NV, USA</span>, <span class="month">Oct</span> <span class="year">2024</span>. <span class="ending"></span>


REU Site: Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction, National Science Foundation PI: David Feil-Seifer, co-PI: Shamik Sengupta, Amount: $360,000, Feb. 1, 2018 - Jan. 31, 2022