Publication Details

Melanie Schmidt-Wolf, Tyler Becker, Denielle Oliva, David Feil-Seifer, and Monica Nicolescu. "Exploring Legibility for Robot Motion in Cluttered Environments." Submitted to 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024), Yokohama, Japan, Sep 2023.

  • Keywords:
  • HRI
  • socially assistive robotics
  • path-planning
  • safety


The environments in which the collaboration of a robot would be the most helpful to a person are frequently uncontrolled and cluttered with many objects present. Legible robot arm motion is crucial in tasks like these in order to avoid possible collisions, improve the workflow and help ensure the safety of the person. Prior work in this area, however, focuses on solutions that are tested only in uncluttered environments and there are not many results taken from cluttered environments.
In this research we present a measure for clutteredness based on an entropic measure of the environment, an illegibility measure for trajectories, and a novel motion planner based on potential fields. Both our measures and the planner were tested in a cluttered environment meant to represent a more typical tool sorting task for which the person would collaborate with a robot. The in-person validation study with Baxter robots shows that our proposed legible motion planner leads to a marginally significant increase in legibility compared to the current state-of-the-art legible motion planner. We argue that the inconsistency of our results in cluttered environments with those obtained from uncluttered environments points out several important issues with the current research performed in the area of legible motion planners.

Author Details

Name: Melanie Schmidt-Wolf
Status: Active

Name: Tyler Becker
Status: Active

Name: Denielle Oliva
Status: Active

Name: David Feil-Seifer
Phone: (775) 784-6469
Status: Active

Name: Monica Nicolescu
Status: Active

BibTex Reference

  title={Exploring Legibility for Robot Motion in Cluttered Environments},
  author={Melanie Schmidt-Wolf and Tyler Becker and Denielle Oliva and David Feil-Seifer and Monica Nicolescu},
  address={Yokohama, Japan},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024)},

HTML Reference

<span class="authors">Melanie Schmidt-Wolf, Tyler Becker, Denielle Oliva, David Feil-Seifer, and Monica Nicolescu</span>. <span class="title">"Exploring Legibility for Robot Motion in Cluttered Environments." </span> Submitted to <span class="booktitle">2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024)</span>, <span class="address">Yokohama, Japan</span>, <span class="month">Sep</span> <span class="year">2023</span>. <span class="ending"></span>


AI Institute for Transforming Education for Children with Speech and Language Processing Challenges, National Science Foundation PI: Venugopal Govindaraju, co-PI: David Feil-Seifer, Amount: $20,000,000, Jan. 15, 2023 - Dec. 31, 2027